The BLV circa 2020 workshop will be hosted by the physics department at Case Western Reserve University.
The main goal of this virtual workshop is to review and discuss the status of this field to support the Snowmass process. The Snowmass Process is organized by the Division of Particles and Fields (DPF) of the American Physical Society. Snowmass is an opportunity for the entire HEP community to come together to identify and document a vision for the future of particle physics in the U.S. and its international partners. For more details see: https://snowmass21.org/rare/blv
Dates: July 6-8, 2020.
Registration and Zoom Link:
Registration is not needed, use this zoom link BLV2020.
Organizing Committee:
S. Feyzbakhsh (UMass)
P. Fileviez Perez (CWRU) co-Chair
E. Golias (CWRU)
C. Murgui (IFIC/CWRU)
A. Pocar (UMass) co-Chair
A. D. Plascencia (CWRU)
S. Thibado (UMass)
Main Topics: