47th Annual Byzantine Studies Conference, December 9-12, 2021, Cleveland Ohio
In-person and virtual
Sign up for special events during the conference here.

Thursday, December 9
4:00-8:30pm Registration
5:00-6:00pm The Mary Jaharis Center Graduate Programming, Byzantine Studies and Museum Careers Panel (light snacks), Tinkham Veale University Center, 1st floor Senior Classroom
6:00-7:00pm Panel presentation on the Work of the St. Catherine Foundation over the last twenty years; Reception to follow from 7:00-8:30pm. Tinkham Veale University Center, 2nd floor Ballrooms
8:00-10:00pm BSANA Governing Board meeting, Tinkham Veale University Center, 1st floor Senior Classroom
Friday, December 10
Begins at 7:00am Registration (coffee/breakfast)
8:00-10:00am Panel 1A, B
10:00-10:15am Mid-morning break
10:15am-12:15pm Panel 2A, B
12:15-1:45pm Lunch Break; Mary Jaharis Center Graduate Programming, Diversity and Inclusion Outreach Topics for Graduate Students Discussion. Tinkham Veale University Center, 1st floor Senior Classroom
1:45-3:45pm Panel 3A, B
3:45-4:00pm Break
4:00-6:00pm Panel 4A, B, C
6:30-7:30pm Plenary Lecture, “Mirror Images through Byzantine Eyes,” Father Justin, Sinai; Reception to follow from 7:30-9:00pm. Tinkham Veale University Center, 2nd floor Ballrooms
Saturday, December 11
7:00-9:00am Breakfast at the Cleveland Museum of Art with private viewing of the 1st floor galleries, including the Ancient, Byzantine, Medieval, and Islamic galleries
9:05-11:05am Panel 5A, B, C
11:15am-12:45pm Panel 6A, B
12:45-2:15pm BSANA Lunch, Tinkham Veale University Center, 2nd floor Ballrooms
2:15-4:15pm Panel 7A, B
4:25-6:25pm Panel 8A, B
6:30-7:30pm BSANA Governing Board meeting, Tinkham Veale University Center, 1st floor Senior Classroom
Sunday, December 12
8:00-9:30am Mary Jaharis Center Graduate Programming, Graduate Student Job Talk and Teaching Demonstrations Workshop (breakfast). Tinkham Veale University Center, 1st floor Senior Classroom
9:30-12:00pm Panel 9A, B