Donations support graduate student registration fees. Please note that while this link is set up to support the CWRU Department of Art History and Art, all donations will be directed to the BSC.

Scholars speaking at the event should be members in good standing of the Byzantine Studies Association of North America.
Thank you for your interest in the Byzantine Studies Conference. At this time, the registration has closed. If you are still interested in attending, on-site registration will be available starting Thursday, December 9th.
Onsite registration:
Regular- $275/person
Independent Scholars- $125/person
Graduate Students, Early Career Contingent Scholars, and Supporting- gratuitous registration available
Virtual Registration will remain open throughout the conference
Remote registration is $75, except those who qualify for discounted registration. Details about viewing the conference remotely will be published closer to the conference date.
Remote independent scholars register for $37.50, half the price of remote registration. Details about viewing the conference remotely will be published closer to the conference date.
Supporting registration includes members of the Hellenic Preservation Society (HPS), the Greek Orthodox community, Friends of Art, the St. Catherine Foundation, and the Cleveland Museum of Art. Details about viewing the conference remotely will be published closer to the conference date.
Early Career Contingent Scholars have earned their PhD within the last eight years and do not hold a permanent or tenure-track appointment.
Graduate Students and Early Career Contingent Scholars registration fees are waived due to the generous support of the BSANA. Details about viewing the conference remotely will be published closer to the conference date.
Instructions for Presenters
Everyone attending in person will need to be fully vaccinated. No proof of vaccination will be required. We are operating on an honor system.
Due to the decision to allow in-person and livestreamed presentations at this year’s BSC, some things have changed substantially in preliminary procedures.We have special requirements for speakers who will be using visuals of any kind. The tech needs are increased, and all presentations with visuals, whether presented in person or via Zoom, need to adhere to the following requirements:
- All presentations requiring any visual component on screen need to be in ppt. AND in a widescreen format. To ascertain that your ppt is in widescreen mode: Select the Design tab of the toolbar ribbon. Select Slide Size near the far right end of the toolbar. Widescreen (16:9) ratio.
- The tech people will create single ppt slideshows for each session, including slideshows by remote presenters and slideshows by in-person presenters.
- If you have special characters that may not work when your slideshow is run by the tech’s Powerpoint, please make a screenshot or JPEG of the slide with the text and paste it into your ppt in place ofthe text.
- ALL POWERPOINTS MUST BE SUBMITTED BY MIDNIGHT EST ON DECEMBER 2. Submit them to Wendy Rohm ( and Marina Savchenkova ( and cc me ( ).
- ALL VIDEO CONTENT MUST BE SUBMITTED BY MIDNIGHT EST ON DECEMBER 2. WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND THAT REMOTE SPEAKERS PRE-RECORD THEIR PRESENTATIONS AND SEND THEM IN BY THE DEADLINE. Should you choose to do this, we would expect you to be live during the time that we play your recording, so that you can handle the Q&A.
- All remote questions during the conference will need to be submitted using the chat feature.