2025 Spring Semester Schedule

Since 1989, CWRU faculty, emeriti, students, staff and friends have gathered on Fridays for a brown-bag lunch and to discuss topics in public affairs. During the 2020—2021 academic year, we moved our discussions on line via Zoom. During this semester we will attempt “Dual Delivery.” Those who wish can attend in the Dampeer Room of the Kelvin Smith Library, but others may choose to participate by Zoom link.

Weekly e-mail newsletters will confirm plans and provide instructions for signing in to Zoom. To be added to the e-mail list, please let us know by e-mailing to padg@case.edu. The discussions will begin at 12:30 p.m., though both the Dampeer Room and the Zoom site will be open from Noon on. Please click here for more details about this week’s program.


January 17: Trump’s New White House. With David B. Cohen, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science and Director of the Applied Politics Program, University of Akron.

January 24: Political Talk Radio and the Growth of Rural Conservatism. With Heyu Xiong, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Economics.

January 31: Germany’s “Snap” Federal Election. With Andreas Sobisch, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Political Science, John Carroll University.


February 7: Teaching About Global Health, Globalization, and the Spread of Infectious Diseases After the COVID-19 Pandemic. With Daniel J. Tisch, Ph.D., Professor of Population and Quantitative Health Sciences and Director, Masters of Public Health Program.

February 14: The 119th Congress – Function or Dysfunction? With Kevin Kosar, Ph.D., Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute. (speaker by Zoom)

February 21: How Consumers – and Voters – Assess the Economy. With Jonathan Ernest, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Economics.

February 28: The Next Conclave. With Paul V. Murphy, Ph.D., Professor of History and Director, Institute for Catholic Studies, John Carroll University.


March 7: What Trump Can Do About Immigration. With Aleksandar Cuic, J.D., Adjunct Professor of Law and Partner, Brown Immigration Law.

March 14: Spring Break

March 21: Debt Bondage. With Bryan Adamson, J.D., David L. and Ann Brennan Professor of Law and Associate Dean for Diversity and Inclusion. Alternate Room: Mather House 100

March 28: Billionaires and Not-So-Stealth Politics. With Matthew Lacombe, Ph.D., Alexander P. Lamis Associate Professor in U.S. Politics.


April 4: Aging and Automobiles. With Sharona Hoffman, J.D., Professor of Law and Bioethics, Edgar A. Hahn Professor of Jurisprudence, and Co-Director, Law-Medicine Center.

April 11: TBA Alternate Room: Kelvin Smith Library Room LL06

April 18: The Political Crisis of Higher Education. With Michael Clune, Ph.D., Samuel B. and Virginia Knight Professor of the Humanities, Department of English, and Ben Mauk, Shirley Wormser Professor of Journalism, Department of English.

April 25: Loving Primary Care to Death. With Joe White, Ph.D., Luxenberg Family Professor of Public Policy, and with comments from Kurt Stange, MD, Ph.D., Distinguished University Professor of Family Medicine and Community Health. Alternate Room: Mather House 100