From a Moment to a Movement for Children?

Doug Imig, Ph.D. – Professor of Political Science at the University of Memphis

Friday April 26, 2013
12:30-1:30 p.m.

***Special Location: Spartan Room, Thwing Student Center***
Case Western Reserve University

Dear Colleagues:

President Obama has proposed significant new federal government support to provide “low and moderate-income four-year-olds with high-quality preschool, while also encouraging states to serve additional four-year olds from middle-income families.” This and further childhood programs would be financed through increased federal tobacco taxes, including a 94 cent increase in the tax per pack of cigarettes. As we heard from Councilman Julian Rogers on April 12th, the Cuyahoga County Executive and Council have also made funding preschool a priority initiative.

What are the prospects for such initiatives, and how do they fit into the history of efforts to advocate for what Gilbert Steiner, in a classic book, called The Children’s Cause? Doug Imig, the author of another superb study of political advocacy, Poverty and Power, will visit us to discuss the ways in which similar moments of political and public interests have, and haven’t, become enduring and powerful movements for children and youth. How have political representation, advocacy, opponents, and movement strategy surrounding children’s issues changed over time? What role has research played in these movements to influence practice and policy? What does this mean going forward?

I’ll add a personal note. I’ve assigned Poverty and Power in classes for years. And I knew Gil Steiner, a great man, when I was at Brookings. So I’m excited to get a chance to finally meet Professor Imig and hear what he has to say about a topic I’ve always associated with Dr. Steiner.

This will be the last Friday Public Affairs Discussion of the Spring Semester. We will resume with the beginning of the Fall term on August 30. These notices will resume in mid-August before with a summary of the Fall schedule (as best as we know at the time).

Thank you very much to our speakers this year who have been generous with time and incisive with their insights. And thank you as well to all those who have come and participated in the audience, being equally generous with their insights!

Have a great Summer,
Joe White and Andrew Lucker

About Our Guest…

Doug Imig is professor of Political Science at the University of Memphis, and Resident Fellow of the Urban Child Institute in Memphis, Tennessee. In addition to the Urban Child Institute, his current work is supported by the William T. Grant Foundation; Urban Institute; and Grantsmakers for Children, Youth, and Families. His work over time has addressed public policy for children and the poor and social movements in both the United States and Western Europe. Dr. Imig received his Ph.D. in Political Science from Duke University.

Parking Possibilities

We regret that there is little convenient free parking, especially with the current construction on Bellflower. The closest lot is the Severance garage, which can be entered from East Boulevard. You can go up the stairway or elevator labeled “Thwing Center.” Follow the walk around to the right and it’s about 50 feet to the building entrance, which will be on your left. Then walk through the atrium and take the elevator ahead on the right up to the third floor. The Spartan Room is on the right when you get off the elevator. Another possibility is the parking lot of the Church of the Covenant on Euclid, which can be entered from the north side of Euclid Ave, opposite Cornell Road. Visitors would walk west on Euclid to the main Thwing Center entrance.