What Should Be Expected of Accountable Care Organizations?


Elizabeth R. Hammack, J.D. – Associate General Counsel, University Hospitals Health System

Friday January 29, 2016
12:30-1:30 p.m.
Dampeer Room
Kelvin Smith Library
Case Western Reserve University

Dear Colleagues:

The Obama administration and many health policy experts have invested an immense amount of publicity, enthusiasm and effort, plus some money, in the idea that “Accountable Care Organizations” will solve health care cost and quality problems. The 2010 Affordable Care Act encouraged ACOs within Medicare, with the hope that these initiatives would expand to private insurance, and reduce costs of care throughout the country.

In response, hospitals and other sponsors have created “ACOs” far beyond Medicare, and ACOS now cover, reportedly, over 20 million people. University Hospitals Health System (UHHS), for example, has ACOs under the Medicare Shared Savings Program, for its own employees, a pediatric ACO, and participates in ACOs with health insurers as well.

Unfortunately, Medicare experience so far suggests that savings have been quite modest at best. But, as a recent analysis puts it, “while the jury is still out on long-term ACO success, the movement towards accountable care shows no signs of abating.” In short, the future of ACOs is one of the main issues about the future of U.S. health care. And UHHS is among the organizations that has invested most heavily in the idea. What can we learn from its experience? Elizabeth Hammack, a member of the management team for the initiative, joins us to share her (personal, not institutional) perceptions.

All best regards,
Joe White
Luxenberg Family Professor of Public Policy and Director, Center for Policy Studies

About Our Guest

Elizabeth R. Hammack, Esq. is Associate General Counsel with University Hospitals Health System in Cleveland, Ohio. She joined University Hospitals’ Law Department in 2008 and currently has responsibility for the legal work for Accountable Care Organizations, Benefits, and Managed Care. Elizabeth has an operational role as part of the UH leadership team after working on the development of UH’s ACOs since their inception in 2011. UH’s ACOs are among the largest in the country with over 300,000 lives.

Elizabeth received her undergraduate degree from Harvard and her law degree from Case Western Reserve University. She previously worked at Calfee, Halter & Griswold LLP in Cleveland, Ohio and Fresenius Medical Care North America in Lexington, Massachusetts.

Where We Meet

The Friday Public Affairs Lunch convenes each Friday when classes are in session, from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Our programs are open to all and no registration is required. We usually meet in the Dampeer Room of Kelvin Smith Library. The Dampeer Room is on the second floor of the library. If you get off the elevators, turn right, pass the first bank of tables, and turn right again. Occasionally we need to use a different room; that will always be announced in the weekly e-mails.

Parking Possibilities

The most convenient parking is the lot underneath Severance Hall. We regret that it is not free. From that lot there is an elevator up to street level (labeled as for the Thwing Center); it is less than 50 yards from that exit to the library entrance. You can get from the Severance garage to the library without going outside. Near the entry gates – just to the right if you were driving out – there is a door into a corridor. Walk down the corridor and there will be another door. Beyond that door you’ll find the entrance to an elevator which goes up to an entrance right inside the doors to Kelvin Smith Library.

Provisional Schedule of Friday Lunch Upcoming Topics and Speakers:

We have a provisional, almost-complete schedule for this semester’s discussions. Please check each week’s newsletter or the website to confirm the topic and speaker. Every semester there is at least one change.

February 5: China’s One Child Policy. With Lihong Shi, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Anthropology at Case Western Reserve University.

February 12: Let’s Talk About Lincoln. With Joseph White, Ph.D., Luxenberg Family Professor of Public Policy at Case Western Reserve University.

February 19: Criminal Justice Reform in Cuyahoga County. With Lewis R. Katz, John C. Hutchins, J.D., Professor of Law at Case Western Reserve University.

February 26: Update on the Presidential Campaign. With Justin Buchler, Associate Professor of Political Science at Case Western Reserve University. ***Alternate Location: Kelvin Smith Library, Room LL06***

March 4: Why Is There a Heroin Epidemic? With Lee Hoffer, Associate Professor of Anthropology at Case Western Reserve University.

March 11: Spring Break

March 18: E-Cigarettes: Problem or Solution? With Scott H. Frank MD MS, Associate Professor and Director, Master of Public Health Program, and Director of Health for the City of Shaker Heights.

March 25: Hosting the Super B**l of Politics. With Brittany Williams, Senior Project Manager, Cleveland 2016 Host Committee.

April 1: The Obama Administration and the Future of U.S. Manufacturing. With Susan Helper, Frank Tracy Carlton Professor of Economics and, former Chief Economist, U.S. Department of Commerce.

April 8: Citizenship in a Divided America. With Mary Romero, Professor of Justice Studies and Social Inquiry, Arizona State University. Cosponsored by Academic Careers in Engineering and Science (ACES) program. Room to be determined.

April 15: Money, Happiness, and Redistribution. With David Clingingsmith, Associate Professor of Economics. ***Alternate Location: Baker-Nord Center, Room 206, Clark Hall***

April 22: Germany, Asylum and the Future of Europe. With Kenneth F. Ledford, Associate Professor of History and Law and Chair, Department of History at Case Western Reserve University.