The Budget Mess: Debt Ceilings, Shutdowns, and Health Care, Oh My!



Joe White, Ph.D. – Luxenberg Family Professor of Public Policy and Director, Center for Policy Studies at Case Western Reserve University

Friday October 6, 2017
12:30-1:30 p.m.
***Alternate Location: Mather House Room 100
11201 Euclid Ave, Cleveland, OH 44106***

Case Western Reserve University

Dear Colleagues:

It’s that time of year again. The federal fiscal year began on October 1. As usual, none of the budget process deadlines have been met. In addition, Congress did not manage to pass an “Obamacare Repeal and Replace” bill, which President Trump and congressional Republicans had insisted was absolutely vital. On the other hand… to general surprise President Trump cut a deal with congressional Democrats, which enough congressional Republicans grudgingly supported, to pass temporary appropriations and more important raise the federal debt ceiling into December.

Meanwhile, Republicans insist that though they could not pass “Obamacare” repeal they will pass tax cuts (that they call “reform”). But to do that they have to agree on a budget resolution, so find a way not to look like they are massively increasing the deficit. Democrats would like to hope that the threat to both the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid coverage has receded, but realize that the Republicans may have two more votes in the Senate by sometime next year, and have to cut health care in order to make their tax cuts fit deficit targets. The draft budget resolutions being considered in the House and Senate call for massive spending cuts, without specifying details. So what should we expect? GOP victories? A massive crack-up in December? Join us for discussion and best guesses!

All best regards,
Joe White
Luxenberg Family Professor of Public Policy and Director, Center for Policy Studies

About Our Guest

As Director of the Center for Policy Studies, Joe White organizes and usually moderates the Friday Lunch discussions, as well as sponsoring 3-6 other public programs each year. His appointment as Luxenberg Family Professor of Public Policy is in the Department of Political Science, and he also has a secondary appointment as a Professor in the Department of Population and Quantitative Health Sciences. His research focuses on federal budget politics and policy; health care, especially cost control and reform; the politics of social insurance programs such as Medicare and Social Security; and differences between rich democracies’ health care systems. He is author or co-author of three books and about six dozen articles, with his most recent work being on relations between the president and Congress in federal budgeting and on budgeting for healthcare programs around the world.

Where We Meet

Mather House is located next to the Thwing student center two buildings to the right of Kelvin Smith Library on Euclid Avenue. Please enter the front door to Mather House and turn right. Mather House Room 100 is at the end of the hall.

Parking Possibilities

The most convenient parking is the lot underneath Severance Hall. We regret that it is not free. From that lot there is an elevator up to street level labeled as Thwing Center. Then turn to the right and walk down the pathway between the Thwing Center on the right and the new Tinkham Veale University Center on the left. The next building on your right is Mather House.

Schedule of Friday Lunch Upcoming Topics and Speakers:

October 13: Public Health Lessons From the Ebola Outbreak. With Ronald Blanton M.D./M.Sc., Professor of International Health.

October 20: Students, Stress, and Sickness: Are There More Problems and, If So, Why? With Judith Olson-Hammer MS, Director of Educational Services for Students, and Richard B. Pazol Psy.D., Director of Counseling and Coordinator of Assessment Services, University Health and Counseling Services.

October 27: Patenting Pot. With Craig A. Nard J.D., L.L. M., J.S.D., Galen A. Roush Professor of Law and Director, Spangenberg Center for Law, Technology and the Arts.

November 3: Cleveland’s Muslim Community: History and Challenges. With Ramez Islambouli, Lecturer of Arabic and Islam; Adjunct Professor of Islamic Law; and President, Uqbah Mosque Foundation.

November 10: Lead Poisoning in Cleveland: Why, After All These Years? With Dorr Dearborn MD, Ph.D., Mary Ann Swetland Professor Emeritus and Department Chair Emeritus, Department of Environmental Health Sciences.

November 17: Digging Into Football and Voting With Data. With Andrew Healy Ph.D., Professor of Economics, Loyola Marymount University and Senior Strategist for Player Personnel, Cleveland Browns.

November 24: Thanksgiving Break

December 1: TBA

December 8: Environmental Policy in the Pruitt EPA. With Catherine J. LaCroix J.D., Adjunct Professor of Law.