Ohio’s Budget Battle

Mark Naymik – State Politics Reporter, Cleveland Plain Dealer

Friday April 15, 2011
12:30-1:30 p.m.
Crawford Hall – Room 9
Inamori Center
Case Western Reserve University


Governor Kasich made his political reputation as a “budget hawk,” calling for spending cuts as a congressman and, eventually, chair of the House Budget Committee. But he never had either the power or the opportunity to put his anti-spending beliefs fully to work. Now, with an economic crisis and state balanced budget requirements, he is using his power as Governor to push for major cuts in state programs, while preserving tax cuts enacted in better times.

Among the most significant proposals are cuts to Medicaid spending and support for state and local government, including education. Some, but not all, of the Medicaid provisions are viewed by neutral analysts as plausible reforms. The governor argues that state and local governments will be able to offset the effects of some cuts by savings from labor reforms that will allow them to reduce costs. What are the most controversial parts of the budget, what are the surprises, what changes might be made by the legislature, and what could it mean for life in Ohio?

Mark Naymik reports on state politics for the Cleveland Plain Dealer and will offer an overview of the budget situation, followed by discussion.

A Special Announcement About Parking…

Dear Colleagues:

As many of you have noticed, work is being done on the visitors parking lot between Amasa Stone Chapel and Crawford Hall. The work is expected to continue until the end of April, and so through the end of this Spring’s Friday Lunch schedule.

We have attempted to notify participants in the Friday Lunch with notices in these e-mails. I am very sorry for anyone who has been surprised and turned away. Because of the construction, I do not think spaces will be available for the final two discussions of the Spring, this Friday and April 22.

Unfortunately, the work in the parking lot is part of a larger plan to install parking meters and eliminate free parking except by guests of particular administrative units of the university. The policy has been announced in Case Daily, at http://parking.case.edu/parking/vic.htm. We (meaning the CPS and the College of Arts and Sciences) have received no information about the rates that will be charged on the meters, or the time available on the meters, once they are installed.

Dr. Andrew Lucker and I are working to identify any way that some spaces could be reserved for Friday Lunch guests without charge. I cannot promise success. As there is no other free parking on campus, I do not think it makes sense to try to move next year’s Friday Lunch programs to another venue, but of course I will be checking out any possible ways to make the situation more convenient, especially for people with mobility concerns.

Please accept my apologies for this inconvenience.

Best regards,
Joe White

More About Our Guest…

Mark Naymik is a reporter at The Plain Dealer who has covered city, county and state politics since 2001. Before joining the Plain Dealer, he worked for alternative weekly newspapers in Cleveland and Philadelphia.

Friday Lunch Upcoming Topics and Speakers:

April 22: Jon Groetzinger, Visiting Professor of Law and Director, China Legal Programs: Developing the Legal Profession in China.

For more information about these and other Center for Policy Studies programs, please see http://policy.case.edu.