The Daily
If you have news or event information you would like to share with the university community, consider submitting it to The Daily, CWRU’s weekday email newsletter. Please refer to their editorial guidelines. Include all required information, including contact name, email and phone number and the full text of your event or announcement. Send your information to them using this online form.
TVUC Electronic Media Wall
Spots can be reserved on the Tinkham Veale University Center electronic media wall through a submission to the Daily. In the second to last question, “Where would you like this to appear?”, check “The media wall in Tinkham Veale University Center.”
Electronic Information Boards
University Technology operates electronic information displays in each residence hall and in selected academic buildings across campus. Members of the campus community may upload event fliers as well as photos of the campus and community to the information boards. View the submission guidelines here.
Sign Stakes
Signs stake spots can be reserved on KSL Oval, Case Quad, Mather Quad or the Binary Walkway. Send an email to Karen Cohen that lists the dates you want the signs up (a typical time-frame is two weeks or less), where you want them, their size, and what they will say. You are responsible for putting the signs up and taking them down. If you wish for the Grounds Department to place your signs, there will be a labor charge. Note: too many signs looks cluttered.