This day-long workshop is for small businesses and innovators seeking to understand the nuances and best strategies for successfully competing for the Nation’s largest seed fund. Between the NIH, NSF, DOD and other agencies, approximately half of the $2.5 billion SBIR/STTR funding is directed at health care and life science innovations. Learn from former NIH SBIR/STTR manager what the NIH reviewers and funding institute managers are looking for, understand how to construct a competitive application, and hear from successful Ohio small businesses about their experiences and what value they derived from these programs.
Guest speaker includes Lenka Fedorkova, PhD, CEO and Founder, bioPrime, LLC, a former executive manager of the SBIR/STTR programs across the NIH, FDA and CDC.
Event Details:
October 3, 2018
6701 Carnegie Ave.
Cleveland, Ohio 44103
Cost $25