Hebrew Courses for Fall ’24

Registration is now open for Hebrew courses this fall! For more information please contact:

Professor Barbara Mann at: barbara.e.mann@case.edu or Professor Nadava Linial at: nadav.linial@case.edu

HBRW 101: Elementay Modern Hebrew I

Instructor: Dr. Nadav Linial

M, W, F: 8:25 – 9:15 a.m.

The course objective is to enable students to develop basic communicative skills in standard Modern Hebrew. Students will become acquainted with the Hebrew alphabet and vowels, and with basic grammar and vocabulary.

HBRW 201: Intermediate Modern Hebrew I

Instructor: Dr. Nadav Linial

M, W, F: 10:35 – 11:25 a.m.

The course objective is to advance the students’ Hebrew communicative skills by studying the language in its cultural context. The focus will be on speaking, reading, and writing, with an emphasis on the use of the language as reflected in Israeli culture.

HBRW 301: Advanced Modern Hebrew I

Instructor: Dr. Nadav Linial

M, W, F: 12:45 – 2:00 p.m.

The course objectives are to enhance the students’ language skills and to develop their ability to use an advanced level of Hebrew effectively. Classes will be conducted in Hebrew, and will focus on speaking, reading, and writing with an emphasis on active and creative use of the language.

HBRW 303: Multicultural Spain: Christian, Jewish and Muslim Coexistence

W: 2:15 – 3:05 p.m.

Special study abroad opportunity – abbreviated class meetings in Fall 2024 followed by 9 day study tour of Spain over break with Professors Ramez Islambouli, Barbara Mann and Damaris Puñales-Alpízar. [cross-listed with SPAN 301, RLGN 303 and ARAB 303

WLIT/JDST 310: Tel Aviv-Jaffa-Jerusalem in the Israeli Cultural Imaginary

Instructor: Professor Barbara Mann

M, W: 12:45 – 2:00 p.m.

This course examines the importance of urban space in Israeli culture, focusing on three paradigmatic sites: Tel Aviv, Jaffa and Jerusalem. How do ideas of sascred space explicit in Jerusalem’s ancient authority compare to Tel Aviv’s claims as a modern city, and Jaffa’s status as a Palestinian historical center? How are notions of exile and homeland, always central to space and identity, transformed as they are grounded in actual geographic sites? How does Jerusalem’s status as a politically contested site complicate the meaning of competing national, social and religious claims? Students will learn how to think critically about urban space, its literary depiction and cultural meaning.