In 1999, a memorandum of understanding was signed by the Provost of Case Western Reserve University and the Rector of The Hebrew University (HU) of Jerusalem. According to the terms of the agreement, regular faculty members of Hebrew University, in the capacity of Rosenthal Visiting Fellows, will offer semester-long courses at Case. The intention is to bring to campus high level expertise in areas of Jewish Studies that would not otherwise be available. In return, special arrangements are being made for Case students to spend either a semester or a year studying at the Rothberg International School of Hebrew University in Jerusalem. In addition, Case students may spend a part of the summer at the Hebrew University for ulpan and/or other summer courses or special seminars arranged to suit the needs of their study program.

A listing of Rosenthal Visiting Fellows is as follows:

Spring 2000 – Professor Shalom Sabar
Chair, Department of Jewish and Comparative Folklore, HU

Fall 2000 – Professor Isaiah Gafni
Sol Rosenblum Professor of Jewish History, HU

Spring 2001 – Professor Rachel Elior
Cohen Chair of Jewish Philosophy, Department of Jewish Thought, HU

Fall 2001 – Professor Yom Tov Assis
Head, Institute of Jewish Studies, HU

Fall 2003 – Spring 2004 – Professor Isaac Kalimi
Professor of Hebrew Bible/Jewish Exegesis, Central School for Teachers’ Advance Studies, HU

Spring 2005 – Professor Zev Garber
Professor and Chair, Department of Jewish Studies, Los Angeles Valley College

Fall 2005 – Professor Gideon Shimoni
Professor and Chair, Department of Contemporary Jewry, HU

Spring 2007 – Professor David Silberklang
Rothberg International School
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem