The WLIT based Interdisciplinary Masters Program requires the completion of 27 credit hours. The courses below are required for the successful completion of the program and receiving the degree. The remainder of the credit hours will be chosen by the student and his/her advisor in the respective department.

Requirements for students matriculating prior to Fall 2016:

  • 3 credit hours – CLSC 316/416/WLIT 316/416 (Greek Tragedy) or CLSC 322/422/WLIT 322/422 (Roman Drama).
  • 3 credit hours – CLSC 323/WLIT 423 (Inspiration) or CLSC 324/WLIT 424 (Sublime). These courses represent the theory/rhetoric component of WLIT Program.
  • 6 credit hours of WLIT 651 (MA Thesis)


Requirements for students matriculating Fall 2016 or later:

  • Theory/Rhetoric Required Courses (9 credit hours)


  • Semiotics Course (3 credit hours)

COGS 490 or COGS 491

  • Electives in second department (9 credit hours)
  • MA Thesis – WLIT 651 (6 credit hours)

*CLSC/WLIT MA Candidates are required to take either CLSC/WLIT 416 or CLSC/WLIT 422 and can do so in place of CLSC/WLIT431.