Welcome to the IFSPEC, the International French for Specific Purposes Exam Center
The IFSPEC was created in May 2018 thanks to a generous grant from the Eirik Borve Fund for Foreign Language Instruction. The center’s mission is to prepare students for field-specific language exams for emigration purposes, studying abroad and career building and internationalization.
Exam sessions are organized regularly for the Tests for Evaluating French (TEF) and French for Profession Diplomas (DFP) developed by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Paris (CCI), in collaboration with European language institutes and the International Organization of la Francophonie (OIF).
The IFSPEC center is located on the Case Western Reserve University Campus, in Guilford House, Rms. B1 and B3, 11112 Bellflower Rd, Cleveland OH 44106-7118.
Please consult the exam description pages. For more information, feel free to contact us at fgh2@case.edu.