Dudley Wick JrFrom the time he was a boy, D. Baldwin Wick (1876-1905) was interested in electricity, physics, and photography. As a teenager he equipped his parents home with an intercom, burglar alarm, and electrically ignited gas chandeliers, all powered by a dynamo he built in the basement and said to be the largest in town.

Dayton C. Miller was head of the electrical engineering department at Case School of Applied Science, he heard about Wick and hired him to work after school in his lab. It was Wick’s enthusiasm for the Roengten’s early X-ray work that encouraged Miller to pursue this area of study. Together they made the first shadowgraphs in Cleveland, which were among the first in the country. Miller introduced x-rays to Cleveland’s medical community shortly thereafter. Wick died at the age 29 from radiation poisoning.
