Cleveland Medical College

Western Reserve Medical College

A medical school operated in conjunction with St. Vincent Charity Hospital opened in 1864 but closed in 1870 when the Wooster (Ohio) University opened a medical school in Cleveland. The Wooster school merged with the Medical Department of Western Reserve College (Cleveland Medical College) in 1881. A second, independent, Wooster Medical Department was established the year the first one merged with Western Reserve and lasted until 1896. Ohio Wesleyan University (Delaware, Ohio) established a medical department in Cleveland in 1896. In 1910 this school was merged with the Medical Department of Western Reserve. Since that time, Cleveland has had only the one medical school. Photo right: Cleveland Medical College (later the Medical Department of Western Reserve College), built in 1845, located at the south east corner of St.Clair and Erie St. (later East 9th). Demolished in 1885. Photo left: Medical Department of Western Reserve College, occupied from 1887 to 1924. Photo taken prior to 1898.