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A Selected Bibliography of Medical History in Ohio

The Ohio Academy of Medical History and the Dittrick Medical History Center collaborated several years ago to produce a Bibliography of Ohio’s medical history.  This Bibliography includes publications through 1996, plus a selection of post-1996 articles and books.  Additions are welcome.  Please send complete citations to James Edmonson.


Anon. “Ohio in San Francisco.” Ohio Public Health 11 (July 1947): 10-11.

Buley, R. C. “Pioneer health and medical practice in the Old Northwest prior to 1840.” Mississippi Valley Historical Review 20 (1934): 497-520.

Bunts, A. T. “Leaves from an Ohio doctor’s scrapbook.” Bulletin [of the] Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio 13 (1955): 134-41.

Corlett, William Thomas. “Blazing the trail.” Ohio State Medical Journal 34 (1938): 185-87.

Corlett, William Thomas. “Medical practice in the seventies.” Bulletin of the Academy of Medicine of Cleveland 24 (1939): 11-12.

Corlett, William Thomas. “Medicine in Ohio before the advent of the white man.” Ohio State Medical Journal 32 (1936): 45-47.

Davis, Paul A. “Dedication of plaque memorializing the physicians in the Indian Wars.” Ohio State Medical Journal 49 (1953): 900-901; (1954): 49.

Dodds, Gilbert F. “Medical men of the Ohio Indian Wars, 1790-1796.” Ohio State Medical Journal 48 (1952): 1133-34.

Edwards, Linden F. “A chronological reviw of Ohio’s enviable medical record. Part I – The first seventy-five years.” Part 2 – “The second seventy-five years.” Ohio State Medical Journal 51 (1955): 453-56; 52 (1956): 1196-98, 1316-19.

Endres, Kathleen L. “‘Strictly Confidential’: Birth control advertising in a 19th century city. Journalism Quarterly 63 (1986): 748-51.

Forman, Jonathan. “Doctors and the Indian Wars.” Ohio State Medical Journal 48 (1952): 49-51, 139-42.

Forman, Jonathan. “Indian medicine in central Ohio.” Landmarks 1 Franklin County Historical Society (1960): 16-19.

Forman, Jonathan. “Medical journalism in Ohio.” Ohio State Medical Journal 49 (1953): 710-12, 815-18.

Forman, Jonathan. “The medical journals of the period, 1835-1858.” Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly 49 (1940): 361-66.

Forman, Jonathan. “The medical journals of pioneer days.” Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly 48 (1939): 219-23.

Forman, Jonathan. “Pathology in Ohio.” Ohio State Medical Journal 47 (1951): 847-50.

Goldman, Leon. “Contribution of the Ohio physicians to the Mexican War. Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly 51 (1952): 259-62.

Goldman, Leon. “Development of dermatology in Ohio,” Ohio State Medical Journal 46 (1950): 989-91, 1086-88.

Heider, Francis J. “Physicians’ role in the development of Withamsville, Ohio.” Ohio State Medical Journal 50 (1950): 361-2.

Jordan, P. D. “An Ohio surgeon in Paris, 1830-32.” Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly 49 (1941): 268-75.

Mahr, August C. “Health conditions in the Moravian Indian Mission of Schoenbrunn.” Ohio Journal of Science 50 (1954): 121-31.

McNamara, A. B. “Medicine in Ohio in the mid-nineteenth century.” Ohio State Medical Journal 66 (1971): 298 passim, 406 passim

Paterson, Robert G. “Governor Cos and public health in Ohio.” Ohio State Medical Journal 44 (1958): 170-71, 318-19.

Paterson, Robert G. “Pioneer physicians and their participation in the establishment of social institutions in Ohio.” Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly 48 (1939): 224-30.

Pickard, Madge E. and Buley, R. Carlyle. The midwest pioneer, his ills, cures, and doctors. Crawfordsville, Indiana: R. E. Banta, 1945.

Shira, Donald D. “Contributions of Ohio physicians to the inventions of the period, 1835-1858.” Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly 49 (1940): 315-21.

Tyler, James J. “The part that the pioneer physicians played in the community as exemplified in the church and lodge.” Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly 48 (1939): 231-42.

Waite, Frederick C. “Ohio physicians in the nineteenth century, a statistical study.” Ohio State Medical Journal 46 (1950): 791-93, 893-95.

Yax, M. “The history of medicine collections at Fordham Health Sciences Library: past, present and future.” Dayton Medicine 1994 Aug; 50(4):102-103.



Also check under specific subjects such as “NURSING,” “PHARMACY,” AND “MEDICAL EDUCATION”

Allen County

English, Donald W. Behind the gause curtain: a medical history of Allen County, Ohio, and the neighboring countryside, 1832-1982. Chicago: Adams Press, ca. 1984.

Athens County

Cordingley, Gary E.  Stories of Medicine in Athens County, Ohio (Baltimore: Gateway Press, Inc., 2006).

Belmont County

Paterson, Robert G. “The Belmont Medical Society, 1847-1860: an early county medical society in Ohio.” Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly 52 (1943): 310-23.

Central Ohio

Forman, Jonathan. “Indian medicine in central Ohio.” Landmarks 1 Franklin County Historical Society (1960): 16-19.

Clark County

Parsons, Delbert Joseph. History of the Medical Society of Clark Co., Ohio, 1815-1955. Privately printed, 1955.

Cuyahoga County and Cleveland (see also Western Reserve)

Misc. articles on medicine and allied sciences. The Encyclopedia of Cleveland History, ed. by David D. Van Tassel and John J. Grabowski. Bloomington: Indiana University Press in association with Case Western Reserve University and the Western Reserve Historical Society, 1996.

Rainbow Babies and Childrens Hospital. Celebrating 100 Years of Caring Rainbow Babies and Childrens Hospital [Cleveland, 1987}

“Rainbow’s Last Summer,” Archway 23, a publication of University Hospitals of Cleveland, ,July 1971.

Brown, Kent L., ed. Medicine in Cleveland and Cuyahoga County: 1810-1976.Cleveland: Academy of Medicine of Cleveland, 1977.

Bunts, A. T. and George W. Crile, Jr., comps. To act as a unit: the story of the the Cleveland Clinic. Cleveland: Cleveland Clinic Foundation, 1971. [2d ed., 1985, ed. by Shattuck W. Hartwell, Jr.], Philadelphia: Saunders, 1985.

Caldwell, H. Van, Clyde L. Cummer, and George L. Sackett. History of the Academy of Medicine of Cleveland, 1902-1952. Cleveland: Academy of Medicine of Cleveland, 1952.

Case-Reserve Students’ Hospital Committee A comic history of Cleveland 1796-1901 Cleveland, n.d.

Corlett, William Thomas. “The development of medicine and the medical men of Cleveland during the nineteenth century.” Medical Miscellany, Mainly Historical, [1932], pp. 77-97.

Corlett, William Thomas. “The first century of medicine in northern Ohio.” Medical Miscellany, Mainly Historical, [1932], pp. 45-63.

Cummer, Clyde L. “Medical societies in Cleveland from 1890-1945.” Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly 47 (1948): 344-77.

Cummer, Clyde L. “Reminiscences of the formation of the Cleveland Medical Library Association.” Ohio State Medical Journal 33 (1937): 1019-22.

Dittrick, Howard. “A Cleveland medical centenary.” Bulletin of the Academy of Medicine of Cleveland 24 (1939): 7-9.

Dittrick, Howard. “Some important contributions made to medicine by Clevelanders.” Ohio State Medical Journal 44 (1948): 1128-32.

Dittrick, Howard. “The first fifty years of Cleveland medicine.” Bulletin of the Academy of Medicine of Cleveland 31 (July 1946): 5-8.

Dittrick, Howard. “The origin of the Cleveland Clinic.” Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly 56 (1947): 331-48.

Donnelly, E. K. The Cleveland Visiting Nurse Association, 1902-1912: steps toward autonomy and professionalism Ph.D. thesis, Case Western Reserve University, 1985.

Edmonson, James M. “Dr. Dittrick’s museum.” Caduceus 6 (1990): 1-25

Foshay, P. Maxwell “The new era in medicine; what it means to Cleveland.” Journal of the American Medical Association 38 (1902): 625-631.

Gamble, Vanessa Northington Making a Place for Ourselves. The Black Hospital Movement 1920-1945, Chapter 6 – “Cleveland-A Black Hospital at Last.” New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995

Gebhard, Bruno. “From Cincinnati’s Western Museum to Cleveland’s Health Museum.” Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly 59, (1950):371-84.

Gebhard, Bruno. “From the Dresden Hygiene Museum to the Cleveland Health Museum.” Ohio State Medical Journal 64 (1968): 1004-08, contd.

Gerstner, Patsy. The Medical Institutions of Cleveland: 1813-1910, Dittrick Medical History Center, 2002

Gerstner, Patsy. “Evolution of a dream: The Dittrick Museum today.” Caduceus 6 (1990): 64-71.

Gerstner, Patsy. Looking for a Healthy Cleveland 1810-1960. Western Reserve Historical Society Publication Number 186, 1998.

Gottlieb, Mark. The lives of University Hospitals of Cleveland: the 125-year evolution of an academic medical center. Cleveland: Wilson Street Press, c.1991.

Handerson, Henry. “Medical Cleveland in the nineteenth century.” Cleveland Medical Journal 8 (1909): 59-72, 146-60, 208-18.

Handerson, Henry E. “Medical Cleveland.” in Samuel P. Orth, A History of Cleveland, Ohio. Chicago, Cleveland: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., 1910. pp. 176-216.

Hartwell, Shattuck W., Jr. “From horse and buggy practice to world-renowned medical center. History of the Cleveland Clinic Foundation.” Postgraduate Medicine 75 (May, 1984): 14-6, 21-6.

Hlavin, Mary Louise and Robert A. Ratcheson. “Case Western Reserve University and University Hospitals of Cleveland; a neurosurgical chronicle.” Journal of Neurosurgery 83 (1995): 750-55.

Kimmel, Benjamin B., M.D. “A Historical Sketch of Huron Road Hospital.” Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy (1949): 3-8.

Kucherenko, Eugenia “Babies and Childrens Hospital Part 1: The Early Years” Past Perfect. A publication of the Hospital Archives of University Hospitals of Cleveland 1 (1986):n.p.

Meyer, Jimmy Elaine Wilkinson,  Any Friend of the Movement. Networking for Birth Control, 1920-1940 (Columbus: The Ohio State University Press, 2004)

Morton, Marian J. And sin no more: social policy and unwed mothers in Cleveland, 1855-1990. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1993.

Piercy, H.D. History of the Lakeside Unit of World War I. Reprinted from the Ohio State Medical Journal. Columbus, 1962.

Robertson, Josephine St. Luke’s Hospital, 1894-1980. Cleveland: St. Luke’s Hospital, c. 1981.

Stark, William C. “The United States General Hospital at Cleveland, Ohio, 1862-1865.” Lincoln Herald 85 (1983): 122-32.

Twining, David Charles. The politics of health care reform: health planning for the poor in Cleveland, 1960-1982. Ph.D. thesis, Case Western Reserve University, 1988.

Wedler, C. R. “St. Clair Hospital” [Cleveland] Bulletin of the Academy of Medicine of Cleveland 17 (1933):12.

For articles about the Dittrick Medical History Center, click here.

Delaware County

Cherington, M.S. “A short history of medicine and the physicians of Delaware County, Ohio.” Ohio State Medical Journal 55 (1959): 1080, 1082, 1208, 1210, 1212, 1368-69.

Fowler, Silas W. History of medicne and biographical sketches of the physicians of Delaware Country, Ohio 1804-1910. [Delaware, Ohio]: The Author, 1910.
Franclin County and Columbus

Wooley, Charles F. and Barbara A. Van Brimmer: The Second Blessing: Columbus Medicine and Health. The Early Years (Egremont, MA: Science International Corp., 2006)

Gallia County

Lupton, Ella. “History of medicine in Gallia County, Ohio.” Ohio State Medical Journal, 45 (1950): 143-48.

The Great Lakes

Osborn, Stellanova. “Great Lakes pioneers in medicine.” Northwest Ohio Quarterly 19 (1947): 23-6.

Greene County

Physicians of Greene County Ohio, 1803-1988. Xenia, Ohio: Centennial Committee, Greene County MedicalSociety, 1988.

Sanford, J.” Medicines of the past.” Dayton Medicine 2000 Apr; 56(2): 15. Brief article on the pocket medical case belonging to Dr. Samuel Martin (1797-1879), Greene Co. physician.

Hamilton County and Cincinnati

King, Arthur G. History of medical specialties in Cincinnati: commemorating the 140th anniversary of The Academy of Medicine of Cincinnati. Cincinnati, Ohio: Medical Foundation of Cincinnati, 1997.

McGrane, Reginald C. The Cincinnati doctors’ forum. Cincinnati: Academy of Medicine of Cincinnati, 1957.

Holmes County

Egger, Donald C., ed. Holmes County Medical Doctors. Holmes County Historical Society, 1959.

Lorain County

Lorain County District Health Department. Twenty-fifth Anniversary 1945. Oberlin, 1945.

Zealley, C. Ruth. Medicine in Lorain County’s first century. Elyria: Lorain County Medical Society, 1960.

Lucas County and Toledo

Brown, Nathan Worth. “The practice of medicine in Toledo at the beginning of the twentieth century.” Northwest Ohio Quarterly 23 (1950-51): 145-51.

Peterson, Arthur and Dorothy Stafford. Magnificent century: an outline of the history of the first hundred years of organized medicine in Toledo and Lucas County, Ohio 1851-1951. Privately published [1951]

Mahoning County, Mahoning Valley, Youngstown

Melnick, Charles. A history of medicine in Youngstown and Mahoning Valley, Ohio. Youngstown, 1973.

Miami Valley

Balawajder, C., Sanford, J. “Miami Valley holds rich medical history.” Dayton Medicine 1997 Dec; 53(6): 137-138. Highlights collections from several prominent local physicians within the Special Collections and Archives, Fordham Health Sciences Library, Wright State University.

Montgomery County and Dayton

Balawajder, C.M., Sanford, J. “A bird’s eye view of Dayton at an early date.” Dayton Medicine 1997 Oct; 53(5): 120-121. Article discusses the career of Dr. John Hole (1755-1813), Montgomery County’s first physician.

Balawajder, C.M., Sanford, J.” Developing Dayton’s public health system.” Dayton Medicine 1998 Feb; 54(1): 21-22.

Balawajder, C.M., Sanford, J. “The National Soldier’s Home in Dayton, Ohio.” Dayton Medicine 1997 Aug; 53(4): 96-97. Article on the facility which opened in 1867 to care for disabled Union soldiers from the Civil War.

Buck, D.A.” A history of internal medicine in Dayton, Ohio.” Dayton Medicine 1999 Dec; 55(6): 134-137. Focuses primarily on internal medicine associated with Miami Valley Hospital.

Gebhart, C.E. A history of medicine in Miamisburg, Ohio. [Ohio]: C.E. Gebhart, 1992.

Ginn, Curtiss. “History of the Montgomery County Medical Society, 1849-1949.” Ohio State Medical Journal 50 (1954): 951-54, 1051-54.

Houser, Howard R. Wilderness doctor: the life and times of Dr. John Hole. [Centerville, OH]: Centerville Historical Society, 1980.

Sanford, J. “The Dayton State Hospital.” Dayton Medicine 2000 Feb; 56(1): 15. Brief article on the hospital which opened in 1855 as the Southern Ohio Lunatic Asylum.

Sanford, J.” The Gray Ladies of World War I and World War II.” Dayton Medicine 1999 Oct-Nov; 55(5): 113. Brief notice on some of the activities of the Dayton Area Chapter of the American Red Cross, organized in 1917.

Simon, S. William. “The medical history of the Veterans Administration Center, Dayton, Ohio, 1868-1900.” Bulletin of the History of Mediicne 25 (1951): 539-53.

Morgan County

“Ground rules for doctors of Morgan County in 1848.” Ohio State Medical Journal 46 (1950): 462-64.

Muskingum County

Brush, Edmund Cone. “The pioneer doctors of the Muskingum Valley.” Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly 3 (1890): 241-59

Cerney, Charles I. The chronicles of medicine in Muskingum County Ohio. 1800-2000. In preparation. To be available on CDRom.

“Northern Ohio

Waite, Frederick C. “The equipment of a country doctor of northern Ohio in 1822.” Ohio State Medical Journal 32 (1936):

Northwest Ohio

Forman, Jonathan. “Historical notes on the Northwestern Ohio Medical Association.” Ohio State Medical Journal 41 (1945): 249-50.

Stark County

Heald, E. T. “History of the Stark County Medical Society in the 19th century.” Bulletin [of the] Stark County Medical Society. Annual issue (1955): 1-25.

Summit County

McCormick, Alexander Sterns. The history of medicine in Summit County, Ohio. Cynthiana, Ky., Hobson Book Press, 1946.

The Western Reserve

Allen, Dudley P. “Pioneer medicine on the Western Reserve” Magazine of Western History 3 (1885-6): 50-54, 166-73, 278-87, 652-57; 4 (1886):190-99, 444-52, 792-97; 5 (1886-7): 71-78.

Beck, Claude S. “The Western Reserve and its medical tradition.” Bulletin of the [Cleveland] Academy of Medicine 26 (1941): 16-17, 30.

Corlett, William Thomas. “Medical pioneers of the Western Reserve.” Medical Miscellany, Mainly Historical, [1932], pp. 15-31.

Cushing, Harvey Williams. The Western Reserve and its medical traditions. An address at the dedication of the new medical building of Western Reserve University, October 9, 1924. Cleveland, 1924.

Lupold, Harry Forrest. “Frontier medicine.” Western Reserve Magazine 2 (1975): 24-27.

Wheeler, Robert A. “Medicine in the Western Reserve.” Western Reserve Magazine 6 (1979): 31-38.


Dittrick, Howard. “The introduction of anesthesia into Ohio.” Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly 50 (1941): 338-350.

McCarthy, Kenneth C. “The progress of anesthesiology in Ohio.” Ohio State Medical Journal 45 (1949): 585-88.




Cherington, M.S. “A short history of medicine and the physicians of Delaware County, Ohio.” Ohio State Medical Journal 55 (1959): 1080, 1082, 1208, 1210, 1212, 1368-69.

Committe on Medical History and Archives, Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society. “The pioneer physicians of Ohio: their lives and their contributions to the development of the state, 1788-1835.” Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly 48 (1939): 181-256.

Dittrick, Howard. Pioneer Medicine in the Western Reserve. Cleveland: Academy of Medicine of Cleveland, 1932. [biographies originally appeared in the Bulletin of the Academy of Medicine of Cleveland]

Egger, Donald C., ed. Holmes County Medical Doctors. Holmes County Historical Society, 1959.

Fowler, Silas W. History of medicne and biographical sketches of the physicians of Delaware Country, Ohio 1804-1910. [Delaware, Ohio]: The Author, 1910.

Garlick, Theodatus. “Sketches of the medical men of Youngstown [Ohio] and the Western Reserve.” in Wiggins and McKillop, ed. and pub. Youngstown, past and present, 1875.

Green, P.F., “Levi Rogers: Frontier Doctor, Pastor and Statesman,” parts 1,2,3, Ohio Medical Journal 62(1966):118-121, 212-214, 288-291.

Greene County Medical Society Centennial Committee. Physicians of Greene County, Ohio, 1803-1988. Xenia: The Society, 1988.

Reed, Elizabeth. “First physician settled in Mansfield, Ohio, in 1815.” Ohio State Medical Journal 54 (1958): 1430-31.

Striker, Cecil. Medical portraits. Cincinnati: Academy of Medicine of Cincinnati, 1963

Horace A. Ackley

Dittrick, Howard. “Horace A. Ackley, Cleveland’s first surgeon.” Bulletin of the Academy of Medicine of Cleveland 15 (April, 1931): 11-12, 25-26.

Feil, Harold. “Horace Ackley — founding father, diagnostician, surgeon, leader.” Western Reserve University School of Medicine Alumni Bulletin (Second Quarter, 1965): 12-19.

Dudley Peter Allen

Hudson, Charles L. The Life and Times of Dudley Peter Allen. Cleveland: the Cleveland Medical Library Association, 1992.

Richard Allison

Anon. “Memorial to Richard Allison, M.D.” Ohio State Medical Journal 50 (1954): 690. Hall, Virginius C. “Richard Allison, Surgeon to the Legion.” Bulletin [of the Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio] 9 (1950): 283-98.

George M. Austin

Hale, Kelley and R. S. Bassler. “Dr. George M. Austin, a super intellect in science as well as medicine.” Ohio State Medical Journal 50 (1954): 253-54.

James Fairchild Baldwin

Curtis, George M. “James Fairchild Baldwin, M. D., 1850-1936.” Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly 56 (1947): 374-78.

James E. Bauman

Paterson, Robert G. “James E. Bauman’s service to the state of Ohio.” Ohio State Medical Journal 46 (1950): 249-52, 341-44.

John Milton Bigelow

Waller, A. E. “Dr. John Milton Bigelow, 1804-78, an early Ohio physician-botanist.” Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly 51 (1942): 313-331.

Hamilton Fiske Biggar

Hertzog, Lucy S. “Dr. Lester E. Siemon, of Cleveland, 1867-43; Dr. Thomas A. McCann, of Dayton, 1858-1943; Dr. Hamilton Fiske Biggar [of Cleveland], 1839-1926. Ohio State Medical Journal 46 (1950): 464.

Elizabeth Cambell

Hollingshead, Frances. “Ohio women in medicine –a biographical note: Elizabeth Campbell.” Ohio State Medical Journal 41 (1945): 829-31.

George Washington Crile

Crile, George Washington. George Crile, an autobiography, ed. with sidelights, by Grace Crile. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1947, 2 vols.

Hermann, Robert E. “George Washington Crile (1864-1943).” Journal of Medical Biography 2 (1994): 78-83

Pomeroy, L.A. “A student assistant to G. W. [Crile].” Ohio State Medical Journal 49 ( 1953): 1106.

Young, Agatha. Scalpel: men who made surgery. New York: Random House, 1956.

Kossuth T. Crossen

Swett, Chester P. “Captain Kossuth T. Crossen, M.D., patriot, soldier, physician.” Ohio State Medical Journal 55 (1959): 1644-46.

Daniel Drake

Blankenhorn, M.A. “Drake memorial plaque ceremony.” Cincinnati Journal of Medicine 33 (1952): 213-15.

Brodman, Estelle. Physician to the West: Daniel Drake and the American frontier. Springfield, Il.: Dept. of Medical Humanities, Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, c. 1981.

Brodman, Estelle. “An unpublished letter of Daniel Drake to the College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York.” Bulletin of the History of Medicine 18 (1945): 338-43.

Horine, Emmet Field. “Daniel Drake and the origin of medical journalism west of the Allegheny Mountains.” Bulletin of the History of Medicine 27 ( 1953): 217-35.

Horine, Emmet Field. Daniel Drake (1785-1852), pioneer physician of the midwest. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1961.

Juettner, Otto. Daniel Drake and his followers: historical and biographical sketches, 1785-1909. Cincinnati: Harvey [c. 1909].

Poling, Dorothy. “Jesse Bennet, pioneer physician and surgeon.” West Virginia History 12 (1950-51): 87-128.

Shira, David A. Jr. “Daniel Drake and the origin of medicine in the Ohio Valley.” Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly 44 (1941): 451-68.

Waller, Adolph E. “Daniel Drake as a pioneer in modern ecology.” Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly 56 (1947):362-73.

Allen Weir Freeman

Freeman, Allen Weir. Five million patients; the professional life of a health officer. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1946.

B.F. Gard

Marsh, John O. “B.F. Gard — early Columbus doctor.” Franklin County Historical Society Historical Bulletin 7 (1955): 51

Samuel R. Geiser

Hertzog, Lucy S. “Dr. Samuel R. Geiser–1850-1924.” Ohio State Medical Journal 46 (1950): 895.

Dr. Goforth

Poling, Dorothy. “Jesse Bennet, pioneer physician and surgeon.” West Virginia History 12 (1950-51): 87-128.

Sibley Hoobler

Hoobler, Sibley W. Adventures in medicine; one doctor’s life amid the great discoveries of 1940-1990. [Cleveland]: S. W. Hoobler, 1991.

Hoyt Family

Hertzog, Lucy S. “The Hoyt Family.” Ohio State Medical Journal 46 (1950): 252-53, 341-44.

Samuel P. Hildreth

Waller, A.E. “Dr. Samuel P. Hildreth, 1783-1863.” Ohio Historical Quarterly 53 (1944): 313-38.

Jared Potter Kirtland

Curtis, George M. “Jared Potter Kirtland, M.D., ‘The Sage of Rockport,’ November 10, 1793 – December 18, 1877.” Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly 50 (1941): 326-337.

Fertig, Henry. “Some letters of Jared Potter Kirtland.” Ohio State Medical Journal 51 (1955): 553-57.

Waite, Frederick C. “Jared Potter Kirtland, physician, teacher, horticulturist, and eminent naturalist.” Ohio Journal of Science (1930): 153-58.

John Locke

Tucker, David A., Jr. “John Locke, M.D.” Bulletin [of the Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio] 10 (1952): 111-125.

Waller, Adolph E. “Dr. John Locke, early Ohio scientist (1792-1856).” Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly 60 (1946): 346-73.

John Henry Lowman

Anon. <“A public memorial meeting in tribute to John Henry Lowman, M.D.” Medical Miscellany, Mainly Historical, [1932], pp. 113-23.

Thomas A. McCann

Hertzog, Lucy S. “Dr. Lester E. Siemon, of Cleveland, 1867-43; Dr. Thomas A. McCann, of Dayton, 1858-1943; Dr. Hamilton Fiske Biggar [of Cleveland], 1839-1926. Ohio State Medical Journal 46 (1950): 464.

Abraham Metz

Alexander, Robert L. “Abraham Metz, Ohio’s first great ophthalmological author.” Ohio State Medical Journal 47 (1951): 236-38.

Myron F. Metzenbaum.

Metson, Ralph. “Myron F. Metzenbaum, MD: innovative surgeon, caring physician.” Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery 110 (1994): 477-81.

Rubinstein, Judah. “There is a doctor in the house.” American Jewish Archives 46 (1994): 26-37.

William Mills

Jordan, Philip D. “The eclectic of St. Clairsville.” Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly 56 (1947): 387-91.

John Strong Newberry

“The breadth of vision of Dr. John Strong Newberry.” Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly 52 (1943): 324-46.

Joseph P. O’Dwyer

Gelfand, Craig. “Diphtheria: Dr. Joseph P. O’Dwyer and his intubation tubes. Caduceus 3 (1987): 1-35.

The Osborns

Osborn, Stellanova. “Great Lakes pioneers in medicine. The Osborns.” Northwest Ohio Quarterly 19 (1947): 23-36.

John L. Riddell

Waller, Adolph E. “The vaulting imagination of John L. Riddell.” Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly 54 (1944): 331-60.

James H. Salisbury

Cummer, Clyde L. “Dr. James H. Salisbury and the Salisbury diet.” Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly 59 (1951): 352-70.

John Williamson Seely

Tyler, James J. “Dr. John Williamson Seely.” Ohio State Medical Journal 49 ( 1953): 901-902.

Lester E. Siemon

Hertzog, Lucy S. “Dr. Lester E. Siemon, of Cleveland, 1867-43; Dr. Thomas A. McCann, of Dayton, 1858-1943; Dr. Hamilton Fiske Biggar [of Cleveland], 1839-1926. Ohio State Medical Journal 46 (1950): 464.

Matthew Simpson

Clark, Robert D. “The medical training of Matthew Simpson, 1830-33.” Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly 61 (1952): 371-79.

Samuel Hanbury Smith

Schullian, Dorothy M. “Dr, Samuel Hanbury Smith of Cincinnati, Columbus, and Hamilton, Ohio.” Bulletin [of the] Medical Library Association 39 (1952): 146-54.

Samuel Mitchel Smith

Rond, Philip C. “Samuel Mitchel Smith, M.D., Medical college psychiatric lamplighter.” Ohio State Medical Journal 53 (1957): 1266-67, 1405-06.

Luther Spelman

Tyler, James J. “Dr. Luther Spelman, early physician of the Western Reserve.” Ohio State Medical Journal 34 (1938): 420-24.

Amasa Sproat

Brown, C.M. “Amasa Sproat, pharmacist of early Chillicothe.” American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 9 (1945): 244-58.

Benjamin Strickland

Hill, Thomas J. “Benjamin Strickland, Cleveland’s first dentist.” Bulletin of the Academy of Medicine of Cleveland 14 (1930): 11-12, 22.

Joseph, James, Edward, and Irwin Taylor

Mills, Edward C. “The Taylor family of dentists.” Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly 56(1947): 392-98.

Edward Tiffin

Edwards, Linden F. “Governor Edward Tiffin: pioneer doctor.” Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly 56, (1947): 349-61.

Moses Thompson

Waite, Frederick C. “Moses Thompson — pioneer physician.” Bulletin of the Academy of Medicine of Cleveland 14 (1930): 7-8.

Norton Strange Townshend

Cunningham, John F. “An early American crusader: Norton Strange Townshend.” Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly 53 (1944): 355-70.

Henry Swift Upson

“Memorial Service for Henry Swift Upson, M.D.” Medical Miscellany, Mainly Historical, [1932], pp. 99-111.

Abner Webb

Berger, Molly W. “Revisiting Abner Webb, Jr., M.D.: use of alternative sources for writing the history of medicine.” Caduceus VII (1990): 42-63.

Dittrick, Howard. “A medical pioneer of Trumbull County a century ago.” Ohio State Medical Journal 37 (1941): 355-59, 459-63. (An abridged reprint of this article appeared in Caduceus 6, (1990): 27-41.

Charles Henry Wetmore

Dodds, Gilbert F. “Dr. Charles Henry Wetmore, pioneer physician. Ohio State Medical Journal 52 (1956): 1062.

James T. Whittaker

Whittaker, Alfred H. “James T. Whittaker, M.D. of Cincinnati.” Ohio State Medical Journal 50 (1954): 142-46.

Carl J. Wiggers

Wiggers, Carl J. Reminiscences and adventures in circulation research. New York: Grune & Stratton, 1958.

Theodore A. Willis

Willis, Theodore A. Sawbones. The maturation of orthopaedic surgery. A reminiscence. Iowa City: University of Iowa, 1973.

James Craven Wood

Hertzog, Lucy S. “Dr. James Craven Wood, 1859-1948.” Ohio State Medical Journal 46 (1950): 344.

Lewis A. Wolfley

Kramer, Howard D. “An Ohio doctor in the early navy.” Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly 60 (1951): 155-74.

Noah Worcester

Preston, Robert H. “Noah Worcester and his textbook.” Ohio State Medical Journal 51 (1955): 678-80.

Robert M. Zollinger

Jacq, Louis Le, et. al. “Robert M. Zollinger: a tribute,” American Journal of Surgery 128 (1974): 583-92.


Birth Control

Meyer, Jimmy Elaine Wilkinson,  Any Friend of the Movement. Networking for Birth Control, 1920-1940 (Columbus: The Ohio State University Press, 2004)



Edwards, Linden F. “Body snatching in Franklin county.” Bulletin [of the Franklin County Historical Society] 3 (1950-51): 30-31.

Edwards, Linden F. “Body snatching in Ohio during the nineteenth century.” Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly 59 (1950): 329-51.

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Mental illness

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Miller, Genevieve. “Medical education one hundred years ago –the introductory lecture.” Ohio State Medical Journal 54 (1958): 1578,1580, 1582; (1959): 40-41, 44.

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