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The Stomach and its Discontents: Digesting the Winter Holidays

"One of the most uncomfortable beings on earth is a Dyspeptic. To most other invalids there is some hope of a change It will neither kill the patient nor depart from him. Hitherto, it has been more hopeless than a sentence of imprisonment for life." --J.C. Eno, A Treatise on the Stomach and its Trials 1865. For a number of people, the winter holidays coincide with family meals of increased size and frequency, an unaccustomed embarrassment of riches. (I recall family dinners of my youth wherein an entire table had been commandeered only for desserts, for instance.) But as...

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The Colorful Chemistry of Show Globes

The Colorful (and Dangerous?) History of Show Globes Many hypotheses swirl around the origins of the pharmacist’s show globe, (see this amazing online exhibit from the Waring Historical Library), but by the late 19th century, these spherical glass containers functioned more as traditional signage. Just as barber poles, the colorful globes alerted people walking by about the goods and services inside. According to American Druggist and Pharmaceutical Record, “bold, indeed, and reckless would be the druggist who should discard the colored show globe, and not one of you can name druggists who can tell why they have them except for...

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Welcome to the final installment of the Dittrick's special series on student work. Today we feature a guest post from Jonah Raider-Roth on the writings of Charles Knowlton. Want to learn more? Visit the Dittrick Museum's Skuy Gallery of historical contraception or the website's early literature page, for more details. Sex and Sensibility: The Writings and Controversy of Charles Knowlton Scientific understanding is usually hailed as progressive, driving humanity toward some higher knowledge and ability. However, different views of morality occasionally draw a great deal of criticism toward commonplace knowledge and discovery. Charles Knowlton, who found himself at the center of...

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