Anna C. Samia

Rudolph and Susan Rense Professor of Chemistry and Department of Chemistry Chair

Millis 225C

Other Information

Education: PhD, Georgia Institute of Technology


Analytical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Materials & Energy, Bio-Inorganic Chemistry, Functional Nanomaterials, Nanotheranostics


  • BS, University of the Philippines-Diliman, 1996
  • PhD, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2002
  • Postdoctoral Scholar, Case Western Reserve University – Chemistry Department, 2002-2003
  • Postdoctoral Research Associate, Argonne National Laboratory, 2003-2005
  • Research Associate, Case Western Reserve University-School of Medicine, 2005-2010


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Research Statement

Dr. Samia’s research interests center around the synthesis and study of the magneto-opto-electronic properties of intermetallic and metal oxide nanostructures with emphasis on chemical design to achieve desired properties and function. The main applications are in the areas of nanotheranostics and environmental nanotechnology.

Our group is interested in developing magnetic nanoparticle composites for improved MRI, magnetic particle imaging (MPI,) and hyperthermia applications. Moreover, we aim to control the magneto-opto-electronic properties of hybrid intermetallic nanoparticles for environmental monitoring and biosensing applications.

Another research focus in the Samia group is the development of novel nanomaterial platforms for water treatment and agri-nanotechnology. An emerging research direction is the development of new application schemes for the site targeted delivery of agrochemicals needed for improved plant disease resistance, efficient nutrient utilization and enhanced plant growth. Along this line, we also study the effects of magnetic and non-magnetic metal and metal oxide nanoparticles in the growth of plants and soil microbes.

Selected Publications

  • Situ, S. F.; Samia, A.C.S.* “Highly Efficient Antibacterial Iron Oxide@Carbon Nanochains from Wüstite Precursor Nanoparticles,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2014), 6(22), 20154–20163.
  • Popa, A.; Samia, A.C.S.* “Effect of Metal Precursor on the Growth and Electrochemical Sensing Properties of Pt-Ag Nanoboxes,” Chemical Communications (2014), 50(55), 7295-7298.
  • Pablico-Lansigan, M.; Situ, S.F.; Samia, A.C.S.* “Magnetic Particle Imaging: Advancements and Perspectives for Real-Time In Vivo Monitoring and Image-Guided Therapy,” Nanoscale (2013), 5(10), 4040-4055.

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