The College of Arts and Sciences is excited to offer the following courses for January Session 2021. 

The January session will run from Friday, January 8, 2021 through Friday, January 29, 2021, with Monday, January 18, 2021 celebrated as MLK Day with no class meetings.

All courses will be offered remotely.

Check SIS for full course information. Undergraduate registration for January Session and Spring term begins November 16. For more information on January Session, visit the FAQs.



SUBJECT & NUMBER Course Title Credits Instructor
AFST 258 History of Southern Africa 3 Jonathan Sadowsky
ANTH 225 Evolution 3 Patricia Princehouse
ANTH 335/435 Illegal Drugs and Society 3 Lee Hoffer
ARTH 102 Art History II: Michelangelo to Maya Lin 3 TBA
BIOL 225 Evolution 3 Patricia Princehouse
BIOL 321/421 Design and Analysis of Biological Experiments 3 Jessica Fox
BIOL 328/428 Plant Genomics and Proteomics 3 Christopher Cullis
BIOL 341 Basic Biology of Blood and Blood Diseases 3 Yolanda Fortenberry
CHEM 340/440 Solar Energy Conversion 3 Genevieve Sauve
CLSC 322/422 Theater in Ancient Rome 3 Timothy Wutrich
COSI 109 Introduction to Communication Disorders 3 Lisa Freebairn
EEPS 115 Introduction to Oceanography 3 Sharmila Giri
EEPS 225 Evolution 3 Patricia Princehouse
ENGL 203 Introduction to Creative Writing 3 Thom Dawkins
ENGL 270 Introduction to Gender Studies 3 Justine Howe
ENGL 310 History of the English Language 3 Kimberley Emmons
ENGL 368/468 Topics in Film: Watching Movies 3 Robert Spadoni
ESTD 318 People and Planet 3 Jeremy Bendik-Keymer
ETHS 243 Bollywood and Social Justice: Contemporary Bollywood Movies with a Social Message 3 Deepak Sarma
ETHS 252A Introduction to African American Studies 3 Noel Voltz
ETHS 258 History of Southern Africa 3 Jonathan Sadowsky
HSTY 225 Evolution 3 Patricia Princehouse
HSTY 247 American Capitalism Since 1945 3 Theodore Steinberg
HSTY 252A Introduction to African American Studies 3 Noel Voltz
HSTY 258 History of Southern Africa 3 Jonathan Sadowsky
HSTY 270 Introduction to Gender Studies 3 Justine Howe
HSTY 334 Germany in the 19th Century 3 Ken Ledford
ITAL 101 Beginning Italian 4 Denise Caterinacci
MATH 223 Calculus for Science and Engineering III 3 Elizabeth Sell
ORIG 101 Life, the Universe & Everything 1 Patricia Princehouse
PHIL 101 Introduction to Philosophy 3 Chris Haufe
PHIL 222 The Science of Happiness 3 Tony Jack
PHIL 225 Evolution 3 Patricia Princehouse
PHIL 270 Introduction to Gender Studies 3 Justine Howe
PHIL 318 People and Planet 3 Jeremy Bendik-Keymer
POSC 318 People and Planet 3 Jeremy Bendik-Keymer
PSCL 353 Psychology of Learning 3 Robert Greene
PSCL 365 Psychology of Religion and Spirituality 3 Julie Exline
PSCL 390 Seminars in Psychology 1-3 Samuel Seidman
PSCL 390 Seminars in Psychology 1-3 Peter Wasiuk
PSCL 390 Seminars in Psychology 1-3 Liliana Varman
RLGN 243 Bollywood and Social Justice: Contemporary Bollywood Movies with a Social Message 3 Deepak Sarma
RLGN 270 Introduction to Gender Studies 3 Justine Howe
SOCI 101 Introduction to Sociology 3 Karie Feldman
SOCI 201 Introduction to Gender Studies 3 Justine Howe
STAT 312/312R Basic Statistics for Engineering and Science 3 Anirban Mondal
THTR 322/422 Theater in Ancient Rome 3 Timothy Wutrich
THTR 329 Modern and Contemporary Drama 3 Jeffrey Ullom
WGST 201 Introduction to Gender Studies 3 Justine Howe
WLIT 322/422 Theater in Ancient Rome 3 Timothy Wutrich
WLIT 368/468 Topics in Film: Watching Movies 3 Robert Spadoni