Anna Jussila 
Advanced Area of Study: Biology
Q: Why did you choose this area of study for an advanced degree?
A: As an undergrad I discovered a passion for health-focused biological research and earning my PhD was the logical next step in establishing myself as an independent researcher.
Q: What’re your next steps?
A: I have just begun a postdoc in Dermatology at Stanford!
Q: What is your favorite memory at CWRU?
A: Throughout my time at Case, I have been lucky to have an incredibly supportive research group. Our lab outings (mostly involving eating) were some of my best memories from my time there. I know also that I am not done making memories with my colleagues and labmates from Case, and I am excited for those new ones too.
Q: What is your advice for a student starting a graduate or professional program at CWRU?
A: You don’t have to know what you want to do for the rest of your career yet, you just need to commit to doing your best right now. Grad school will go by so fast, and you need to be aggressive about meeting your goals and seeking opportunities for professional development now, while you have a network of people invested in your success.