Graduation Spotlight: Evalise Dexter
Major: Masters in Speech-Language Pathology (SLP)
Why did you choose to pursue an advanced degree in Speech-Language Pathology?

Evalise Dexter (left) with SLP cohort, Margueritte Coombs (right)
I have always been interested in pursuing a career in healthcare where I have the ability to serve others. Communication and swallowing is such a vital part of our lives, and being able to assist others in overcoming speech, language and feeding challenges is incredibly rewarding to me.
What are your plans after graduation?
I will be completing a pediatric acute care training fellowship at University of Wisconsin where I will work in the NICU, PICU and inpatient rehab units at American Family Children’s Hospital.
What is one of your favorite CWRU memories?
Completing my meta-analysis project on pediatric feeding and swallowing disorders was definitely a standout experience. It was a challenging yet rewarding endeavor that allowed me to delve deep into a specific area of interest.
What do you love about Speech-Language Pathology (at CWRU?)?
I appreciate the supportive and collaborative environment within the department, where faculty and peers are dedicated to helping each other succeed and grow in our field. I also love the unique blend of science, human interaction and problem-solving that comes with our field.
What advice would you give to someone starting a graduate or professional program in this area?
I would say to reach for the stars! I never thought I would be able to get a training fellowship in the NICU! Believe in yourself and amazing opportunities will come. I also think it is important to remember to take care of yourself both mentally and physically; graduate programs can be intense, so prioritizing self-care to maintain balance and well-being is essential throughout your journey.