Lisa Koops new book focuses on parenting musically

Photo of Lisa Koops smiling towards camera

Lisa Huisman Koops

Lisa Huisman Koops, professor in the Department of Music and head of music education in the College of Arts and Sciences, is receiving accolades for her new book, A Family Guide to Parenting Musically

Published by Oxford University Press, the book aims to help families incorporate music in with their daily lives to foster deeper connections with each other—and with music itself. 

In the book, Koops offers practical insights and research-based discussions to demonstrate the profound impact of music on family dynamics.

Koops recently spoke with about the book, tips for parents on how to use music for a non-musical goal and her approach to “musicking.”  

There’s also a feature in The Daily, where you’ll learn more about the book, Koop’s “Parenting Musically” podcast and how to order the book online.