Summer Spotlight: Aja Leatherwood

Aja Leatherwood

Majors: Communication Sciences and Psychology

Graduation Year: 2025

photo of Aja Leatherwood

What are you doing this summer?

At the Mayo Clinic main campus in Rochester, Minnesota, I am working on two research projects. One involves using an eye-tracking device to monitor where participants’ eyes focus when viewing images of patients with or without Graves’ disease, as well as varying levels of eye deformities due to the disease.

Through surveying, we assess the patients’ perception of the severity of the condition, their quality of life and their willingness to pay out of pocket for surgery or sacrifice a portion of their lifespan for an improvement in the condition. The second research project I am working on is a chart review of patients with Graves’ disease who have received Tepezza infusions to access effective of treatment.

How did you find out about this opportunity?

I found this opportunity through searching the internet for research experiences for undergraduates.

What has been your favorite experience so far?

My experience has been one of a kind; I have seen procedures I never even imagined seeing and networked with world renowned surgeons. What separates my research program from others is that I get exposure to a range of different medical specialties through observations. This includes full days shadowing in the operating room watching a laryngectomy from start to finish, seeing residents practice on cadavers, and seeing anatomic pathology identify if a tumor is cancerous. 

What are you looking to get out of this experience?

I am looking forward to seeing a cochlear implantation and activation. Witnessing the moment of activation, when a patient first hears sounds through the implant, will be incredibly rewarding and inspiring.

What’s your best piece of advice for students who might be looking for a similar opportunity?

My advice would be to start early! Perhaps even by the time they are reading this article. Many companies or organizations will have their opportunities published, even if it’s not yet updated for the next cycle of opportunities. Using the previous information provided on their site, you can plan out your applications and essays in advance to lighten the load.