Katia Almeida, Instructor, Department of Anthropology (CAS)
ANTH 349/449: Cultures of Latin America
ANTH 310/410: Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology
ANTH 388/488: Globalization and Development: Anthropological Perspectives
Karen Beckwith, Professor of Political Science, College of Arts and Sciences, CAS Comparative perspectives: gender and politics, with particular attention to issues of class, women and party leader positions in Western Europe, women’s access to cabinet positions, women’s mobilization in strike support in the labor movement in Britain and the US, comparative women’s movements.
WGST 346: Women and Politics
Elizabeth S. Bolman, Professor and Chair, Art History and Art, (CAS)
Depictions of the nursing Virgin Mary in the eastern Mediterranean, ca. 400 – 1450. Historical ideas about women, babies, nursing, milk, blood.
Joy R. Bostic, Assistant Professor of Religious Studies, CAS
Womanist and feminist approaches to the study of religion and culture.
WGST 339: Black Women and Religion in the United States
RLGN 304: Representations of Black Women and Religion in Film
Susan Case, Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior, Weatherhead School of Management
Gendered culture of science, brain biology differences and the persistence of gendered communication.
WGST 370: Women in Organizations
ORBH 391: Leadership in Diversity and Inclusion
Gabriela Copertari, Associate Professor of Spanish CAS
WGST 342: Latin American Feminist Voices
Margaretmary Daley, Associate Professor of German, CAS
18th and 19th century German women authors
Ananya Dasgupta, Assistant Professor of History, CAS
WGST 257/HSTY 157: Women’s Histories in South Asia
Elina Gertsman, Associate Professor of Medieval Art, CAS
WGST 359: Visual Culture of Medieval Women
Laura Hengehold, Professor of Philosophy, CAS Feminist philosophy, Anglo-American and French philosophies of feminism, gender and sexuality, gender and political violence, Simone de Beauvoir, feminist philosophy
WGST 325: Philosophy of Feminism
Susan Hinze, Associate Professor of Sociology, CAS
Sexual harassment and gendered experiences in medical training; gender, work and family lives of physicians; race/class/gender disparities in physician decision-making; race/class/gender approach to health outcomes for older women.
WGST 201: Introduction to Gender Studies
WGST 228: Sociology of Sexuality
WGST 326: Gender, Inequalities and Globalization
WGST 372: Work and Family
WGST 396: WGST Capstone
SOCI 275: Lives in Medicine: Becoming and Being a Physician (strong WGST component)
Justine Howe, Associate Professor and Chair of Religious Studies, Director of the Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program CAS
Women and gender in Islam, female religious authority, Islamic family law, Muslim feminism
Heather McKee Hurwitz, Full-time Lecturer, Department of Sociology, CAS
Gender, social movements, and global studies. Feminist and intersectional analyses of contemporary social movements including the Occupy Wall Street Movement, Black Lives Matter, activism in support of Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign, global feminisms, online feminism, and feminism within not-explicitly-feminist social movements.
WGST 372: Work and Family: U.S. and Abroad
Megan Swihart Jewell, Instructor of English, Director of the Writing Resource Center, CAS
Women’s poetry and offerings on Feminism and body image within SAGES.
WGST 201: Introduction to Gender Studies
Jacqueline Nanfito, Associate Professor of Spanish, CAS
Latin American and Latino women writers and artists
Gabrielle Parkin, Lecturer in English CAS
Late Medieval English literature with a focus on material culture and affect theory.
Offerings in SAGES
Charles Rosenblatt, Professor of Physics, CAS
WGST 333: Science and Technology in France
Renee Sentilles, Henry Eldridge Bourne Professor of History CAS
History of women, girlhood, childhood, gender, and culture in the United States.
WGST 353: Women in American History I
WGST 354: Women in American History II
WGST 363: History of Gender and Sexuality in America
WGST 373: Advanced Topics in American Women’s History
Lihong Shi, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, CAS
Politics of reproduction; gender, marriage and kinship; the birth-planning policy and family relations in China.
ANTH 360: Global Politics of Fertility, Family Planning and Population Control