
The Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program offers a major leading to the Bachelor of Arts degree. As a primary major, students take a total of 30 hours of WGST courses. As a second major, the student may apply up to six hours credit from their first major with the exception of the two WGST core classes.

2 Major required core courses (6 credit hours):

  • WGST 201 Intro to Gender Studies (cross-listed as HSTY/ENGL/PHIL/RLGN270)
  • One 300-level course in one WGST course

8 WGST elective courses (24 credit hours)
Major Distribution Requirements: WGST majors must distribute their courses between the Arts, the Humanities, and the Social Sciences. Each of the three areas must have at least one course; two of the three areas must also have a second course. Students should discuss their plan of study with their program advisor.

Majors and minors in WGST may also conduct an Independent Study (WGST 399) and/or a SAGES Capstone (WGST 396) with program faculty.


The program in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies also offers an undergraduate minor.
Fulfillment of the minor requires completion of eighteen credit hours according to the following course distribution:

  • Introduction to Women’s and Gender Studies (WGST 201)
  • Five cross-listed courses (see available courses)