The Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program offers a major leading to the Bachelor of Arts degree. The program offers a sound course of study with a disciplinary concentration grounding the program’s interdisciplinary objectives. Up to six credit hours in required or elective courses for another major may also be applied to the Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies major. In the two required courses, students become fluent in current tools of research and interpretation employed in women’s, gender, and sexuality studies. These two “core” courses are 201 and one from the list below:


WGST 201/HSTY 270/ENGL/PHIL/RLGN 270 Introduction to Gender Studies Units 3

One of the following: Units 3

WGST 301- Women, Creativity and the Arts
WGST 318- History of Black Women in the U.S.
WGST 326- Gender, Inequality, and Globalization
WGST 353 or WGST 354 Women in American History I or Women in American History II
WGST 365- Gender and Sex Differences: Cross-cultural Perspective

Elective courses: Units 24

WGST majors must distribute their courses among the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences. They must take at least one course in each of these three areas. In two of the areas, they must take two courses. Consult one of the program’s academic representatives with questions about the curriculum. Majors and minors in WGST may also conduct an Independent Study (WGST 399) and/or a SAGES Capstone (WGST 396) with program faculty.  Total Units 30

To help ensure a comprehensive course of study in a particular area of interest, each student’s combination of courses and the structure of an independent study must be approved by one of the program’s academic representatives.