The BA in Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies requires 30 credits, distributed across the following courses. Majors work closely with their advisors to determine the courses that best fit their interests.
WGST 201 Introduction to Gender Studies 3
Arts and Humanities WGST Courses a 6
Social Science WGST Courses b 6
Geographic Breadth Course with a focus on a global and/or non-US context 3
Electives d 12
Total Credit Hours 30
a Choose two WGST courses cross-listed with ARTH, CLSC, DANC, ENGL, HSTY, MUHI, PHIL, RLGN, or THTR.
b Choose two WGST courses cross-listed with ANTH, COSI, POSC, PSCL, or SOCI.
Choose one WGST course that fulfills the UGER Understanding Global Perspectives requirement.
d Choose four WGST courses.