In November, the Department of Theater will debut “20/20 (hindsight),” an original production written and performed by students and directed by Shanna Beth McGee, professor in the Department of Theater.
In November, the Department of Theater will debut “20/20 (hindsight),” an original production written and performed by students and directed by Shanna Beth McGee, professor in the Department of Theater.
Thank you to all alumni, students, families, faculty and staff who attended some or all of Homecoming 2020. The university hosted 84 virtual alumni events with over 1,433 registered to attend. If you missed Pride of the College or the Student Experience Panel, you can watch the videos on the College’s youtube channel.
Lauren Calandruccio, associate professor in the Department of Psychological Sciences at Case Western Reserve University, recently received a grant from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association to create the Innovative Mentoring and Professional Advancement through Cultural Training (IMPACT) program. IMPACT is a one-year program, initiated in 2020, that provides formal mentoring to undergraduates in communication sciences from underrepresented backgrounds.
Fourth-year College of Arts and Sciences students Emma Risley and Aleska Sorgatz spent the summer working for the Sculpture Center on catalogs of virtual sculpture tours of Cleveland, Cincinnati and Columbus.
Three students from Case Western Reserve University, including two from the College of Arts and Sciences, have received the prestigious Barry Goldwater Scholarship, joining an elite community of scholars who have been honored for their potential in research.
As the new Dean, I would like to begin this fall semester by welcoming all of you to the College of Arts and Sciences. Whether near or far, you are all part of the Case Western Reserve community.