Graduation Spotlight: Hannah Jackson

photo of Hannah Jackson sitting in a chairGraduation Spotlight: Hannah Jackson
Majors: Business Management and English
Minor: Marketing

Why did you choose to pursue a degree in Business Management and English?

I wasn’t sure of much coming into college, but I knew that I wanted to incorporate English into my studies. I come from a family of readers, so not having a novel, short story, or poem in my backpack at all times would be incredibly out of character for me. 

I’m also drawn to the humanities. The conversational nature of English studies makes you feel connected to the texts that you’re reading, and also to your classmates. I think that’s a unique part of being an English major that can’t always be found in other disciplines. 

What are your plans after graduation?

This summer, I’ll be going back home to Pittsburgh to work as a legal intern for Carmeuse Americas. In the fall, I’ll be starting my first year of law school at Duke University. 

What is one of your favorite CWRU memories?

The solar eclipse will definitely be one of my favorite memories of CWRU. In addition to it being an incredible phenomenon to experience, I loved being able to see so many students get together across campus to enjoy the eclipse together. The day off from classes didn’t hurt either. 

What do you love about your areas of study?

I love the people in the English department. They’ve always made me feel right at home. When you step into one of their classrooms, you know that it’s a safe space to learn, to fail and to grow. I never take for granted that I’m surrounded by students and faculty who are as intelligent as they are compassionate. I think this community is one of the things I’ll miss the most when I graduate.