Megan Swihart Jewell, Instructor of English and Director, Writing Resource Center

Specialization: Feminist Poetics and Innovative Women’s Writing
“What happens when you examine both traditional and experimental forms of women’s writing through the lens of feminist politics? That question guides my work in Women’s and Gender Studies. I am particularly interested in the gender politics of self-expression and the various strategies that women employ to express their voices. I have a particular focus on innovative Feminist writing practices. This concentration first developed from my interest in the roles of women poets in the formation of post-1950s American Poetry schools. Charting these women poets’ complex negotiations with Second Wave Feminist politics and continental theory has and continues to provide me with insight into the issues that continue to this day to be of vital importance for women writers.”

Jacqueline C. Nanfito, Associate Professor of Spanish and Comparative LiteratureJaquiline Nanfito

Specialization: Latin American and Latino Women writers and artists
“Women’s and Gender Studies has both motivated and inspired me to study and write about Latin American and Latina women writers and artists, with the objective of rescuing them from oblivion. Since my arrival to Case, WGST has been supportive of all of my initiatives, allowing me to collaborate with several Chilean women writers and poets, which has resulted in the publication of my translations of their works in both prose and poetry. I have also had the support of WGST to organize exhibits of works by Latin American women artists, which have given our students and the greater Case community a better understanding of the role of women in the cultural production of contemporary Latin American society.”


 Justine Howe, Assistant Professor of Religious Studies, College of Arts and Sciences

Specialization: Contemporary Islam, Women and Gender in Islam, Islam in America
“I study the ways that gender often serves as the touchstone for Muslim debates and practices concerning authority, interpretation of texts, and devotional piety. I am also interested in how constructions of the “Muslim woman” serve broader political ideologies, both in the US and abroad. The theoretical and methodological tools of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies are vitally important for analyzing the internal diversity of Islam and the ways that gendered hierarchies are connected to community constructions of race, class, culture, and religion.”

Margaretmary Daley, Associate Professor of German and Comparative Literature
Specialization: Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century German Women Writers and Poetry. Former Director of the Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program.

Susan Case, Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior, Weatherhead School of Management

Specialization: gender communication and influence, women’s career development over the life span, diversity, and religious identity salience and work, all focusing on valuing differences between and among people and designing systems for workplace inclusion. Gendered discourse in the professional workplace and the postdoctoral transition zone in the bench sciences and women’s emerging identity.