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In popular podcasts, CAS chairs McGaugh and Beal share expertise on dark matter, the apocalypse

Stacy McGaugh, professor and chair of the Department of Astronomy, discusses dark matter on the Cosmic Controversy podcast; while Timothy Beal, the Florence Harkness Professor of Religion and chair of the Department of Religious Studies, sits down for the Unholier Than Thou podcast and talks about our obsession with the end of the world.


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Professor wearing dark blue jacket, blue shirt, glasses and mustache
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Distinguished University Professor Alan Rocke Receives International Honor

Alan Rocke, Distinguished University Professor and the Henry Eldridge Bourne Professor Emeritus in the Department of History, was named co-recipient of the Franklin-Lavoisier Prize. Co-sponsored by the Fondation de la Maison de la Chimie in Paris and the Science History Institute in Philadelphia, the award recognizes unusually meritorious efforts in the preservation or promotion of the entwined scientific heritage of France and the United States.

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