The following lists courses not open to auditors. For the most part, these are laboratory, practicum, or independent study courses.
American Studies: AMST 270 excluded.
Anthropology: ANTH 300; 303; 307; 308; 321; 339; 367; 370; 377; 380; 396; 398C; 477; 480; 481 and 481B excluded; all courses numbered 500 and above excluded.
Art History: ARTH 393; 394; 395; 396 and all 400 and 500 level courses are excluded.
Art Studio: all Art Studio (ARTS) courses are excluded from audit.
Astronomy: ASTR 201; 202; 203; 221; 222; 306; 309; 310; 311; 327; 328; 333; 351 excluded. All courses numbered 400 and above excluded.
Biology: BIOL 214; 214L; 215; 215L; 216; 216L; 223; 240; 300; 301; 302; 304; 305; 306; 309; 313; 314; 315; 318; 327; 336; 339; 345; 346; 351L; 357; 358; 359; 363; 364; 368; 373; 376; 377; 388; 388S; 389; 389S; 390; 396; 401; 409; 414; 415; 418; 427; 436; 451L; 445; 464; 468; 473; 550; 569; 599; 601; 651; 701 excluded. (All laboratory courses excluded.)
Chemistry: CHEM 113; 114; 233; 234; 290; 304; 305; 306; 322; 329; 331; 332; 340; 341; 395; 397; 398; 429; 430; 431; 435; 440; 441; 450; 475; 491; 492; 502; 507; 508; 601; 605; 651; 701 excluded. (This includes all laboratory courses.)
Classics: CLSC 199; 231, 304 and 395 excluded; LATN 201 and 401 excluded.
Cognitive Science: COGS 202; 272; 308/408; 316/416; 348/448 excluded.
Communication Sciences: COSI 200; 260; 261; 304; 313; 345/445; 352; 357; 406; 413; 444; 444L; 452A; 452B; 452C; 452E; 456; 457; 560 excluded.
Dance: DANC 103; 104; 121; 122; 160; 161; 203; 204; 260; 261; 303; 304; 314; 315; 317; 318; 324; 335; 345; 346; 355; 360; 361; 385; 386; 395; 396; 397; 398; 399; 403; 404; 414; 415; 416; 424; 426; 445; 446; 451; 455; 485; 505; 535; 509; 601; 610; 640; 641; 644 excluded.
Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences: EEPS 119; 317; 318; 330; 340; 341; 344; 345; 349; 367; 390; 391; 392; 396; 417; 430; 440; 445; 467; 511; 512; 509; 601 excluded.
English: ENGL 146; 148; 150; 155; 180; 181; 183; 186; 203; 204; 213; 214; 217; 217B; 257A; 303; 303C; 304; 304C; 305; 307; 309; 309C; 325; 325C; 328; 331; 343; 356; 365NC; 367; 368; 368A; 368B; 368C; 369; 372C; 374; 375; 380; 387; 390; 392; 395; 398; 399; all 400 and 500 courses excluded.
Ethnic Studies: ETHS 254 excluded.
History: HSTY 238; 254; 278; 306; 326; 339; 371; 397; 398; 406 excluded.
Judaic Studies: JDST 201; 233; 254; 326; 371 excluded.
Mathematics: MATH 301; 302; 351; 352; 535; 563; 601 excluded.
Modern Languages: JAPN 355; SPAN 102.
Music: All MUAP, MUAR, MUCP, MUDE, MULI, MUPD, and MURP courses are excluded. MUED 501 and 601 are excluded. MUEN courses require an audition. MUHI 395A; 395B; 401; 501; 601; 610; 611; 699; 710; 751 and 753 are excluded. All MUTH courses except MUTH 319 are excluded.
Philosophy: PHIL 271; 335; 367; 396; 399; 435; 467 excluded.
Physics: PHYS 203; 203A; 204; 208; 301; 301B; 302; 303; 317; 318; 339; 351; 352; 353; 390; 472 excluded (all advanced laboratory and senior project courses excluded).
Political Science: POSC 160; 172; 322; 325; 326; 327; 328; 344; 346; 349; 363; 370F; 370M; 373; 378; 382A; 395; 396; 422; 425; 426; 427; 428; 444; 446; 449; 463; 470F; 470M; 473; 478; 495 excluded.
Psychology: PSCL 230; 231; 313; 317; 323; 329; 334A; 334C; 335A; 335C; 338; 339; 352; 353; 365; 369; 375; 379; 387; 389; 390; 392; 394; 395; 396; 397; 398C; 402; 404; 410; 412; 418; 424; 425; 426; 427; 429; 430; 431; 451; 453; 479; 501; 502; 524; 525; 529; 529A; 530; 530A; 531; 531A; 532; 532A; 533; 534; 535; 536; 537; 538 539; 540; 700 excluded.
Religion: RLGN 201; 233; 252; 254; 272; 299; all 300 and 400 level courses excluded.
Sociology: SOCI 303 excluded.
Statistics: STAT 491 excluded.
Theater Arts: THTR 100; 101; 102; 103; 105; 110; 111; 185; 201; 204; 223; 224; 225; 231; 232; 233; 240; 311; 312; 316; 323; 326; 329; 330; 331; 335; 375; 385; 386; 390; 393; 401; 402; 403; 404; 416; 426; 429; 430; 431; 440; 473; 474; 475; 476; 479; 501; 509; 530; 531; 532; 533; 534; 540; 579; 581; 601; 610; 611; 630; 642 excluded.
World Literature: WLIT 361; 368; 368C; 468 excluded