The footer is displayed at the bottom of each page on the website and contains various items.

The items displayed are:

  • The name of website. This part of the footer cannot be changed.
  • A search bar. Like the name, this part cannot be changed.
  • Social Media links. When these buttons are clicked the user is taken to your website’s Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.
  • Contact information. This is where you can put an address and/or an email.

Remember that footers are for the entire website and you can only have one footer at a time.

Footer Example


1. Footer settings can be found in Appearance under Site Options.

  2. You can find the URLs for the Social Media Settings by going to your social media pages and copying the URL from the address bar on the top of your browser.

3. In the Contact Settings you can add your department’s email and the address for the building. When adding the building address, use </br> to move content to a new line.

4. Click Save Changes to update the footer.